Member Clubs

The Association of Tartan Army Clubs currently consists of the following supporters clubs. Contact and membership details can be found on the club websites. Ever thought about starting a Tartan Army club?

If you are looking for buses to Scotland games then check out the SFA website for the full list. If you would like your bus added to this list then please CONTACT US.

Ally MacLeod TA 
Carnoustie TA facebook
Doonhamers TA 
Dunfermline (DTA)websitefacebook
Edinburgh (ETA)websitefacebookX@EdinTartanArmy
Falkirk and District TA (FDTA)websitefacebookX@FDTA2016
Granite City Scotsfacebook
International TA (INTA) 
Kingdom of Fife (KOFTA)
Kirkcaldy (KTA) facebook
North East (NETA) facebookinstagram
Lunnainn Albannaich (LA)website
West End Bar Airdrie (WEBATA)websitefacebook
West of Scotland (WESTA) X@WestaScotland