The Association of Tartan Army Clubs (ATAC) have been discussing with the Scottish Football Association and Football Supporters Europe (FSE) the impact of the Euro 2020 Play Offs. The challenges of booking travel with 3 days notice or paying for two sets of flights when we might not need either. ATAC are trying to collect some actual facts to back up the concerns so they can be presented to FSE and potentially UEFA so lessons can be learned for the future.
In order to do this we are asking supporters to complete a short survey
We are also aware that concerns over coronavirus has already led to restrictions across multiple countries including the cancellation of some high profile sports events. A Norwegian ski-festival near Oslo will now be held behind closed doors. As of 6th March the games are still going ahead and there are no travel restrictions for Norway, Serbia or Scotland. We would advise supporters to continue to monitor for news and check SFA and UEFA websites.