The second Glasgow Host City / Hampden meeting was on Thursday 20 May and hosted by the Glasgow Council Host City Mobility Team. In addition to us there was representation from Police Scotland, FSE, SFA, UEFA and Czech fans group.
The Glasgow Fanzone will be at Glasgow Green. This will be ticketed with capacity aiming to be 2,000 – 3,000. This has not been fully signed off yet due to Glasgow still being in Level 3. All games throughout the tournament are intended to be shown, and each day will consist of several slots for viewing the matches. If all signed off, majority of tickets will be free.
Supporters Buses will be directed on approach to Glasgow so be mindful that you may be asked to use a different route than what you are used to. There are parking spaces for 70 buses and these will be at Langside Road and Jessie Street. Again, parking will be via the UEFA app which is still to be shared. ATAC had contacted the clubs who advertise their buses on the SFA website through the ATAC/SFA initiative and there will only be around a dozen buses coming from these groups most of which are at 50% capacity. Granted some clubs did not reply but those travelling by bus would appear to be very low in comparison to previous matches. The main reason for this will likely be vastly reduced tickets being available.
We were shown a presentation for travel to the stadium and once this is finalised we will be able to share it. We asked about Hampden car park and was informed that around 50% of the car park footprint is taken up by broadcasting units. A lot of the remainder is required for socially distanced queuing etc. If clubs have elderly or supporters requiring assistance then they may be able to drop these people off closer to Hampden so long as this is well before kick-off times – suggest at least two hours before. This will be at discretion of those in control on the day.
There will be free shuttle buses for ticket holders from Glasgow City Centre and these will drop off at Queens Drive and Aitkenhead Road.
The first thing to emphasise here is that UEFA “own” the stadium for these games. It was reiterated that approach to the stadium will not resemble what we are used to. When we get to the last KM there will be soft ticket checks, “Disney Style” socially distanced queuing lanes and then further ticket checks. The UEFA ticket app is now live although no PNA tickets appear to have been allocated at this point in time. As such, we do not know which area of the stadium our PNA allocation will be for.
Again we asked about requirements for ID. Again this will be linked through the ID on the portal account and passport details supplied. Tickets will be synched to the phone and act as the ID. If members do not have a smart phone then suggest checking UEFA terms and conditions for advice.
There are currently no plans for temperature checks or lateral flow testing. Like everything it is subject to change. Similar to Wembley only very small bags are allowed into the stadium. Check the ticket terms and conditions if you need more info here. Again, mask wearing is required inside the stadium.
Food and drink availability within the stadium is still to be confirmed and will be communicated. Again, we expressed that this is one of the things that are key to getting fans into the stadium early.
Egress is aiming to be in a controlled manner but spectators are advised to leave by their nearest exit. Keep an eye on the screens for information during and after the games.
We have asked the question about whether bagpipes are allowed inside the stadium, and await an answer from UEFA.
Next meeting planned for early June, and again, we will provide a subsequent update.
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